Hello, CheddarManMERGE.txt!

This individual's Ydna is : --> F --> IJ --> I --> I2 --> I2a

Gender Score is 1.000

CheddarManMERGE.txtis 100.000% Likely to be Male

CheddarManMERGE.txtis 0.000% Likely to be Female

0 A variants out of 0 Total

0 B variants out of 2 Total

0 C variants out of 38 Total

0 D variants out of 0 Total

0 E variants out of 131 Total

0 E1b variants out of 2 Total

0 E3b variants out of 2 Total

119 F variants out of 119 Total

0 G variants out of 147 Total

0 G1 variants out of 3 Total

0 G2 variants out of 52 Total

0 G2a variants out of 23 Total

0 G2b variants out of 2 Total

0 H variants out of 4 Total

0 H1 variants out of 1 Total

0 H2 variants out of 4 Total

28 IJ variants out of 28 Total

149 I variants out of 152 Total

0 I1 variants out of 44 Total

0 I1a variants out of 0 Total

0 I1b variants out of 0 Total

10 I2 variants out of 10 Total

6 I2a variants out of 6 Total

0 I2b variants out of 6 Total

0 J variants out of 95 Total

0 J1 variants out of 12 Total

0 J1a variants out of 0 Total

0 J1b variants out of 0 Total

0 J2 variants out of 6 Total

0 J2a variants out of 8 Total

0 J2b variants out of 10 Total

0 K variants out of 2Total

0 L variants out of 9Total

0 T variants out of 12Total

0 T1 variants out of 1Total

0 T2 variants out of 5Total

0 N variants out of 9Total

0 O variants out of 64Total

0 Q variants out of 16Total

0 Q1 variants out of 7Total

0 Q2 variants out of 1Total

0 R variants out of 92Total

1 R1a variants out of 16Total

0 R1b variants out of 22Total

0 R2 variants out of 10Total

Results Mental Health

"Warrior" Phenotype - Quick dopamine reuptake, low dopamine levels, high stress resilience 5.263 %.

"Intermediate" Phenotype, intermediate dopamine levels and ability to tolerate stress 36.842 %.

"Worrier" Phenotype, slower dopamine reuptake and higher dopamine levels, lower stress resilience 57.895 %.

AA in COMT's Val/Met variation, meaning Met/Met , or worrier , lower activity of the COMT enzyme. Since COMT enzyme's main function is the breakdown of dopamine, this leads to increased dopamine levels, advantages in attention tasks and motivation.

TT in rs4633, higher levels of the COMT protein and higher pain sensitivity - worrier

TT in COMT's rs4646312, slightly lower odds of schizophrenia

GG in COMT's rs6267, which is the typical for most humans and leads to slightly lower risk of Schizophrenia

AA in COMT's rs165599 variation, which leads to a decreased risk of Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder.

CC in MAOB's rs1799836; Lower odds of ADHD, Parkinson's, One study found higher odds of Schizophrenia

GG in MAOB's rs6324, typical (lower) ADHD risk, most common genotype

TT in MAOA's rs6323, leading to lower activity of the MAOA enzyme and slower breakdown of dopamine, thus higher dopamine levels and certain advantages in attention tasks.

AA in MAOA's rs1800659, lower odds of post-surgical pain.

GG in MAOA's rs979605, decreased MAOA activity, worrier .

CC in MAOA's rs766117, higher odds of depression

Less D2 dopamine receptors 25.000 %.

Intermediate number of D2 dopamine receptors 45.588 %.

Higher number of D2 dopamine receptors 29.412 %.

AG, or 1 derived No Go learner variant in DRD2's Pro319Pro variation, which means an intermediate number of D2 receptor sites in the brain, and an intermediate likelihood of schizophrenia.

CG in rs6279 of DRD2, typical odds for Schizophrenia (risk allele is G)

AG in DRD2's rs6275 variation, meaning intermediate number of dopamine D2 receptors and average risk of Schizophrenia.

CC in DRD2's rs2514218, higher odds of Schizophrenia

GG genotype in rs4648317 of DRD2, which is the typical genotype for most humans, and leads to a slightly lower risk of Schizophrenia and nicotine dependence.

GG in Taq1 variation of DRD2, which is the typical for most humans leading to a slightly higher number of D2 dopamine receptors, and to a slightly lower risk of ADHD and Alcoholism.

CT in DRD2's rs12363125, one allele for higher odds of cocaine abuse and migraine risk

AA in DRD2's rs6589377, higher (typical) odds of neuroticism, but lower odds for nicotine dependence.

CC in rs1076560 of DRD2, which is the typical for most humans leading to a slightly higher number of D2 dopamine receptors and better memory performance.

TC, or heterozygous in rs5326 of DRD1, which is implicated in slightly higher odds of bipolar disorder andd schizophrenia.

AA in rs686 of Dopamine Receptor D1 gene, which leads to a higher likelyhood of Autism.

TT in rs4532 of DRD1, a typical associated with slightly higher odds of Autism and tobacco addiction.

GG in rs265981 of DRD1, which is the typical for most humans, and leads to a slightly higher risk of Schizophrenia and nicotine dependence.

CC in DRD1's rs4867798, elevated risk of schizophrenia, higher odds of impulsive-compulsive behavior in those affected by Parkinson's disease

GG in DRD1's rs265974, ~1.29x odds of substance use disorders.

TG in DRD1's rs265976, Patients with schizophrenia may have a poorer response when treated with clozapine as compared to patients with the GG or TT genotype. Other genetic and clinical factors may also influence response to clozapine.

TT in rs6280 of DRD3, a typical associated with a slightly lower risk of OCD and intellectual disability.

AA in DRD3's rs167771 variation, mostly a Eurasian genotype , increases the risks of autism and autistic personality traits such as rigid behavior.

AA in DRD3's rs963468, higher odds of schizophrenia, uncommon genotype (doesn't play a role in the polygenic risk score calculation).

AA in rs11246226 of DRD4, which is implicated in a higher likelyhood of Schizophrenia.

No risk variants for mental retardation in DRD4's rs752306 (CC)

TT in rs1800955 of DRD4, a typical associated with lower odds of intellectual disability and ADHD

GG in DRD4's rs936461, lower odds of schizophrenia but slightly higher odds of various eating disorders(OR=1.35).

CC in DRD5's rs6283. Higher odds of ADHD; mechanism of action is not exactly known

Lower levels of 5-HT (Serotonin) 48.276 %.

Intermediate levels of 5-HT (Serotonin) 44.828 %.

Higher levels of 5-HT (Serotonin) 6.897 %.

TT in rs2129785, a typical for most humans. The implications of this is that this individual does not have long form 5-HTTLPR and does not have a decrease in the risk of depression.

CT in rs6311 of HTR2A, slightly increased risk of suicidal behavior and depression. Normal risk of sexual dysfunction when taking SSRI Antidepressants.

AA in rs6313 of HTR2A, Higher odds for a variety of mental health conditions, highest odds of suicidal ideation

GG in HTR2A's rs2070040, G allele is associated with lower resistance to stress, irritability, and agressive behavior.

GG in HTR2A's rs4142900, G allele is associated with higher antisocial behavior and impulsivity

GG in rs1545843, NOT associated with higher risk for major depression (risk allele is A)

AA in rs17144465, typical (lower) depression risk.

AA in ESRRG's rs2377360, lower odds of depression

TT in rs364477, reduced odds of unipolar depression

CC in rs9834970 of TRANK1, slightly higher odds of Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia

CC in DISC1 rs1411771, higher odds of bipolar and schizophrenia (does not play a role in polygenic risk scores)

GG in rs75459873, no risk variants for psychosis in MIR378F. Very typical genotype.

Homozygous major allele at ADCY2 gene. Associated with decreased bipolar risk.

AA in ADCY2's rs17826816, lower(typical) odds for bipolar disorder.

CC in rs267606861, common in clinvar, no tourette

Results Mental Health - Autism Only

Higher Odds of Autism 35.135 %.

Intermediate Odds of Autism35.135 %.

Lower Odds of Autism29.730 %.

CC in rs4307059, Reduced Autism risk

TT in rs10513025, typical , normal (higher) risk of autism.

TT in rs7794745, slightly increased risk for autism. Risk allele is T.

CC in rs1804197, common genotype. Normal (lower) risk of autism.

AA in rs2217262, typical genotype. Average (higher) risk of autism.

DDC (Dopa Decarboxylase) Gene Panel - Dopamine & Serotonin Synthesis

GG in rs930707, typical (higher) Indoleacetate levels. Indoleacetate is a tryptophan derivative and lower levels of indoleacetate are linked with depressive symptoms.

TT in rs921451, More likely to smoke heavily if is a smoker.

CC in rs1451371, lower tendency to smoke heavily if is a smoker.

GG in rs2060762, More likely to smoke heavily if is a smoker.

Results For Lactose Persistence

GG in MCM6's rs4988235 variation, which means this individual does not carry the European lactose persistence mutation.

CC in MCM6's rs182549, This Individual does not have any derived variants for European lactose persistence.

AA in rs41380347, NOT carrier of the lactase persistence allele also known as "-13915*G", common in Arab populations

CC in rs2322659 of LCT, likely lactose persistent - C allele is not exclusive to Europeans

Results for OXTR - The Empathy Gene

Lower Empathy 21.053 %.

Average Empathy 36.842 %.

Higher Empathy 42.105 %.

GG in OXTR's rs53576 variation, which means this individual has 2 variants for higher levels of empathy at this variation.

TT in rs1042778 of OXTR, Slightly lower oxytocin & empathy? Possibly higher 'callous-unemotional' trait frequency in children

CC in OXTR's rs13316193, a associated with increased OXTR expression and higher levels of empathy.

AG in OXTR's rs7632287 variation, which means this individual has 1 variant for higher OXTR expression and increased levels of empathy.

GG in OXTR's rs237897, two variants for higher levels of empathy in this OXTR variation. Most likely not East Asian.

Results for Diabetes

CC in rs6679677; normal(lower) risk for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Type 1 Diabetes

AA in HLA's rs9272346, Type 1 Diabetes very unlikely.

TT in rs7202877, slight decrease in risk of Type 1 Diabetes.

GG in rs12255372, decreased risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

AA in rs17696736, slighly lower odds of type 1 Diabetes

GG in rs35011184, lower odds of Type 2 diabetes and obesity.

GG in rs2476601 variation, which leads to lower risk of various autoimmune disorders and type 1 diabetes.

AG in rs17388568, 1 risk variant (A), 1.3x risk of type-1 diabetes.

CC in rs9273363, which leads to a 7 fold decrease in the risk of type 1 diabetes.

CC in rs7754840, which means this individual has two variants for higher odds of type 2 diabetes.

CC in rs7903146, a associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

GG in rs4402960, leading to slight decrease in the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Results for Hemochromatosis

GG in HFE's Cys282Tyr variation, which means this individual is not a carrier for the C282Y hemochromatosis mutation.

CC in HFE's His63Asp, which means this individual does not have any H63D variants and most likely doesn't have hemochromatosis.

AT, or heterozygous in HFE's S65C variation, which means that this individual carries one risk variant for hemochromatosis.

Results for Alzheimers

CC in rs7412, which means no APOE2 alleles in Arg176Cys variation of the APOE gene and lower, or in other terms, normal odds of alzheimers disease.

TT in rs3025786, which is a typical for most humans and leads to average (slightly increased) risk of Alzheimers.

GG in PLD3's rs145999145 variation, which means this individual has a lower risk of Alzheimers.

TT in rs669, which leads to slightly decreased risk of Alzheimers.

AG in TOMM40's rs2075650, higher odds of Alzheimer's disease.

CC in rs75932628, normal (Slightly lower) risk of Alzheimer's disease

CC in rs63750847, no variants for reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease. Normal (Higher) odds of Alzheimers

Multiple sclerosis

(Linked) likely no HLA-DRB1*1501 alleles, typical , normal (lower) risk for MS. Lower (typical) odds for narcolepsy as well.

No risk variants in HLA-DQA1; lower risk of MS

no HLA-DRB1*1501 alleles, typical , normal (lower) risk for MS.

0 risk variants for MS in HLA-DRB1. Typical

AG in rs4959039, 1 (common) risk variant for MS.

Cardio-Vascular Disease Panel

AA in rs662799, normal (Lower odds of heart attack and obesity)

TT in rs602633, 2 risk variants for Coronary Heart Disease (Odds ratio = 1.11 for every T allele). Sort of uncommon.

GG in rs700651, ~20% higher risk of brain aneurysm, risk allele is G

GG in rs10958409, normal (lower) risk of brain aneurysm, risk allele is A

TT in rs1333040, higher odds of brain aneurysm and heart attack.

AA in rs9298506, normal (higher) risk of aneurysm.

TC in rs6475606, decreased risk for Coronary artery disease, risk allele is T.

TC in rs10757272, 1.30x increased risk for Coronary artery disease, risk allele is T.

CC in rs9315204, lower risk of aneurysm, common genotype.

AG in rs10757274, 1.2x increased risk for heart disease. Risk allele is G.

AG in rs2383206, 1.4x increased risk for heart disease. Risl allele is G.

AG in rs10757278, 1.3x risk for Heart Attack. Normal risk for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Brain Aneurysm.

CC in rs1800787, not a carrier of risk variants for carotid arthery disease (T).

GG in rs5082, Reduced risk of heart disease.

AG in rs17576, average odds of heart attack and lung cancer.

TT in rs3918242, much higher odds of heart attack.

Asthma + Epilepsy Panel

TT in rs7216389, 1.5x increased risk for Childhood Asthma.

AG in rs1695, mixed evidence showing either increased or decreased risk of asthma

TT in rs10030601, below average odds of epilepsy

CC in rs10496964, typical (higher) odds of epilepsy

CC in rs7587026; decreased (typical) odds of epilepsy

AA in rs12059546, lower (typical) odds of epilepsy

GG in rs72823592, 1.3x odds of epilepsy

Myopia Panel (Ordered from highest to lowest impact)

AA in rs12193446, which is the typical and leads to slightly increased risk of myopia, or nearsightedness.

AA in rs7744813, which leads to a decrease in the risk of myopia.

TT in rs524952, which means an increased risk of myopia.

AA in rs4803455, two alleles that protect from Myopia.

CG in RBFOX1's rs17648524, one allele that protects against myopia.

CC in rs3138142, higher odds of myopia.

Facial Morphology Panel

AA genotype in EDAR's rs3827760, Likely no shovel shaped incissors and not East Asian in ancestry

AG in rs6542787, 1 European EDAR alleles. Likely partially European

AA genotype in EDAR's rs260690, European facial traits. Very uncommon genotype for East Asians. Typical for Europeans.

TT in rs892540, shorter midface length

AA in PAX3s rs7559271, higher odds of protruding nasal bridge

CC in rs4648379, larger nose size.

Likely higher nasolabial angle (nose pointing up) based on DCHS2 genotype

CC in rs938036, likely has mandibular third molar, lower odds of tooth agenesis (missing teeth)

TT in rs12651896, slightly thinner eyebrows

GG in rs7702108, slightly thinner eyebrows


(Don't voice this in video!!) CC in rs9332964, no micropenis.

(Don't voice this in video!!!) GG in SRD5A2's rs104893667 variation, which means this individual does not have micropenis.

CC in rs10784502, increased cranial size and 2% higher IQ.

CC in rs28379706, higher IQ.

AA in rs324640, 8 points lower IQ than individuals with 'GG' .

CC in rs1815739, Better performing muscles. Likely sprinter.

AT , 1 'fat gene' variant in FTO's rs9939609. Higher odds of obesity and sleep apnea.

TT in rs10427255, likely does not have photic sneeze reflex.

GG in SCN9A rs6746030 variation, no variants for increased pain sensitivity.

TT, no MYBPC2 mental retardation variants, likely healthy.

AA genotype in EDAR's rs3827760, Likely no shovel shaped incissors and not East Asian in ancestry

AA genotype in EDAR's rs260690, European facial traits. Very uncommon genotype for East Asians. Typical for Europeans.

GG in rs671 variation, Not an Asian flusher, lower odds of Alcoholism. Normal risk of Esophageal Cancer.

AA in rs1080066, average brain volume (slightly smaller). common genotype.

Drug Responce

Risk of Heart Failure Due to Beta Blocker Medications is 0.626 times the average.

When treated with metoprolol

Relative to AA in rs1801252 & GG in rs1801253 Genotypes :

rs1801252(A;A) and rs1801253(C;C) carriers: 15 point drop in Blood Pressure
rs1801252(A;G) and rs1801253(C;C) carriers: 9 point drop in Blood Pressure
rs1801252(A;A) and rs1801253(C;G) carriers: 6 point drop in Blood Pressure
rs1801252(A;G) and rs1801253(C;G) carriers: 1 point drop in Blood Pressure

Your genotypes are : AA in rs1801252 &

AG in rs637644, average odds of hair loss from chemotherapy- risk allele is G.

AA in rs594206, highest odds of hair loss from chemotherapy.

TG in DRD1's rs265976, Patients with schizophrenia may have a poorer response when treated with clozapine as compared to patients with the GG or TT genotype. Other genetic and clinical factors may also influence response to clozapine.

GG in rs2273697, Adverse reaction less likely to carbamazepine in epileptic patients

TT in rs2298383, no variants for increased anxiety in response to caffeine.

AC in rs762551, Carrier of one CYP1A2*1F allele; Normal (faster) metabolism of caffeine

CC in rs1467558, lower (normal) risk of liver toxicity from acetominophen/tylenol/APAP

CC in rs10156191 of AOC1, normal (increased) DOA activity, normal genotype. Tolerates NSAIDs.

TT in rs12476047. Lower than average odds of parkinson's symptoms when treated with antipsychotics

TT in rs5092, more likely to gain weight if taking olanzapine.

TT in rs4765623, less likely to gain weight if taking olanzapine.

GG in rs518147, significantly higher odds of weight gain if taking olanzapine.

CC in AKT1's rs2494732, greater odds of cannabis-associated psychosis.

GG in rs2241802, higher odds of methamphatamine induced psychosis.

CC in rs135745, higher susceptibility to methamphetamine induced psychosis.

Albinism & Atypical Traits Panel

CC in OCA2's rs121918166, Not Carrier of an oculocutaneous Albinism Type II mutation.

AA in TYR's rs28940881 variation, which means this individual does not have any Tyrosinase-negative oculocutaneous albinism mutations.

AA in TYR's rs28940878 variation, which means this individual does not have any Tyrosinase-negative oculocutaneous albinism mutations.

TT in rs61754381, which means not a carrier for 1B Tyrosinase-negative oculocutaneous albinism.

CC in TYR's rs104894313, Not Carrier of an oculocutaneous Albinism Type 1B mutation.

CC in TYRP1's rs104894130, which means this individual lacks variants for Oculocutaneous albinism type 3, and is not albino.

CC in rs987525, which leads to decreased risk of cleft lip and palate.

CC in TYRP1's rs387907171, not a Carrier of melanesian blond hair variants.

Familiar Mediterranean Fever Panel

0 risk variants in rs104895094.

0 risk variants in rs3743930.

0 risk variants in rs11466023

0 risk variants in rs61752717

0 risk variants in rs28940579.

0 risk variants in rs28940578.

0 risk variants in rs61732874.

0 risk variants in rs104895083.

0 risk variants in rs104895085

0 risk variants in rs104895081

0 risk variants in rs104895157

0 risk variants in rs11466026

0 risk variants in rs79681911

0 risk variants in rs4149584

MTHFR panel

GG in MTHFR's rs1801133, normal homocysteine levels, good . Slightly lower than average odds for a variety of illnesses from autism to coronary heart disease.

GG in rs2066470, typical genotype.

TT in MTHFR's rs1801131, most common genotype , lower odds of various health issues.

AA in rs17367504, common , average (higher) blood pressure.

Cancers Panel

0 risk variants in Q356R of BRCA1

2 risk variants in BRCA1's D693N.

0 risk variants in S1140G of BRCA1

2 risk variants in K1183R of BRCA1

1 risk variant in S1613G of BRCA1

0 risk variants in N289H of BRCA2.

GG in rs1042522 of TP53. common genotype. Slightly shorter lifespan. Higher odds of various cancers.

0 risk variants in S707P

AA in Estrogen Receptor 1 Gene's -351A>G variation. Women have lower risk of Endometriosis but normal risk for Endometrial Cancer, and more cognitive impairment with age.

AG in rs995030, 2 times Reduced risk of testicular cancer.

TT in rs3782179; common, but increased risk of testicular cancer

AG in rs4474514, 3x increased testicular cancer risk for men

Leukemia Panel

no NQO1*3 alleles, average odds of leukemia.

TT in rs4132601, common -> lower risk of leukemia.

TT in rs7089424, common/normal and lower risk of Leukemia.

GG in rs662463, common , lower odds of leukemia.

Rare diseases/traits Panel

GG in rs75801644, 0 risk variants for endometriosis.

AA in F9 rs137852229, not a Carrier of a Hemophilia B mutation - 0 risk variants

GG in rs9540294, 5x+ odds of Recalcitrant atopic dermatitis, very uncommon genotype

GG in rs79919349, 0 risk variants for panic disorder (very common genotype).

Strong predisposition to hemoglobin E disease, GG in rs2071348

CC in rs119478057, no predidposition to Hypercarotenemia and vitamin a deficiency

GG in rs387906725, no Lesch-nyhan syndrome.

GG in rs28942100, not a Carrier of a alkaptonuria mutation - 0 risk variants

CC in rs199473058, no Brugada Syndrome

GG in rs121434528, 0 risk alleles for Thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection

GG in rs74315329, not a carrier for Glaucoma (primary open-angle).

GG in rs893818, lower odds of exfoliation glaucoma.

GG in rs3825942, common but 10x higher glaucoma risk in most (but not all) populations.

CC in rs28936694, no Primary open-angle glaucoma

AG in rs16863657, carrier of risk allele for neural tube defects and spina bifida.

GG in rs80338794, not a Finnish major Salla disease mutation carrier - 0 risk variants.

0 variants for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; CC in rs28937869

Found 0 risk variants for Holoprosencephaly in GLI2. Very typical/common genotype

Typical genotype, no Holoprosencephaly-3 risk variants in SSH

GG in rs34536443, typical (lower) odds of tuberculosis infection, common genotype

CC in rs2200733, 0.86x decreased risk of Atrial Fibrillation

GG in rs10033464, 0.92x decreased risk of Atrial Fibrillation and cardioembolic stroke.

GG in rs660895, 4-6x risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Significantly increased risk of IgA nephropathy - a disease in which IgA protein builds up in and damages the filtering part of the kidney (glomerulus)

CC in rs7743761, Normal (lower) risk of Ankylosing Spondylitis.

TT in rs6457617, 5.2x risk of rheumatoid arthritis and 1.5x risk of systemic sclerosis, very uncommon genotype.

GG in rs11090865, common in clinvar, no risk variants for deafness.

GG in rs13078881, Healthy - no Biotinidase deficiency.

TT in rs6151429, healthy

TT in rs4794067; Lower risk of Aspirin Induced Asthma. Normal (higher) risk of lupus and intractable Grave's Disease.

CC in rs10156191 of AOC1, normal (increased) DOA activity, normal genotype. Tolerates NSAIDs.

GG in rs104894637 - not a carrier for Sanfilippo syndrome risk

CC in rs104894635, no risk variants for Sanfilippo syndrome

No von Gierke's disease. CC in Arg83Cys of glucose-6-phosphatase G6PC gene.

GG in Cys1036Phe of BLM, not a carrier of variants for Bloom syndrome.

TT in rs12150220, slightly decreased risk for several autoimmune diseases including Addison's disease.

CC in rs1800546, normal.

TT in rs74315405, no Gerstmann–Straussler–Scheinker syndrome.

AA in rs3764147, 0 risk variants for leprosy.

GG in rs11606250, most common , but higher risk for certain autoimmune diseases.

AA, 0 risk variants in rs2302009.

Celiac Disease Panel

average, no HLA-DRB1*0301 alleles, normal risk of celiac disease and lupus.

no HLA-DQ8 haplotype, normal (lower) risk of Celiac disease.

No risk variants in CCR3

No risk variants in IL18R1

AA in rs13119723, lower (normal) risk for celiac disease. 0 risk variants

No risk variants in R262W

Allergies Panel

GG in rs62623409, typical odds of allergic sensitivity

AA in rs2367563, nickel likely causes an allergic skin reaction.

TG in rs2155219, 1 allele for higher odds of allergies. Odds Ratio for every T allele = 1.18

CG in rs17513503, higher odds of allergies; rare

TT in rs7192, 3x higher risk for developing a peanut allergy.

TT in rs9275596, lower risk of peanut allergy. Risk allele is C.

Androgen Receptor Gene (AR) Panel

GG in rs6152, typical (higher) odds of baldness.

CC in rs137852591, very typical ; no Androgen insensitivity.

GG in rs9332969, normal , no Reifenstein syndrome.

Crohn's Disease Panel

GG in rs2066845, normal (lower) risk for Crohn's disease. Risk allele is C.

Canavan Syndrome Panel

AA in rs63751297, 0 risk variants.

0 risk variants in Y231X.

0 risk variants in A305E.

0 risk variants in E285A.

If you have more than 0 risk variants for Canavan syndrome, that is cause for concern. May be the result of genotyping errors depending on the chip you tested with.

HIV & AIDS Panel

HIV does not develop and transition into AIDs the same way with every organism. Some are predisposed to larger viral load and quicker compromisation of the immune system while others are more resistant.

0 protective variants in C927T (Bad), most typical genotype.

2 protective variants in rs9264942 (Good), 90% reduction in HIV viral load.

common (Good), no risk variants in rs2395029 (TT )

GG in rs2572886, Good , 0 risk variants (A), common.

HLA Gene Panel

The HLA genes are located on chromosome 6 in humans and encode proteins called human leukocyte antigens (HLAs). These proteins play a vital role in immune responses by presenting antigens to immune cells, specifically T cells. There are two main classes of HLA proteins: class I and class II.

The HLA system plays a critical role in several medical contexts, including organ transplantation, where matching HLA types between donor and recipient is crucial to minimize the risk of rejection. Additionally, HLA genes are associated with susceptibility to certain autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, and drug hypersensitivity reactions, making them important targets for medical research and personalized medicine.

Highest odds of Autoimmune Disease 10.000 %

Intermediate (Slightly higher) Odds of Autoimmune Disease 38.333 %

Lower Odds of Autoimmune Disease 51.667 %.

MTRR Gene Panel

GG in rs1801394, 1.4x higher risk for meningiomas and neural tube defects. 2 risk alleles for disorders of Intracellular Cobalamin Metabolism

CC in rs10380, lower odds of pancratic cancer; 0 risk alleles for disorders of Intracellular Cobalamin Metabolism

AA in rs162036, no risk variants for spina bifida & Disorders of Intracellular Cobalamin Metabolism.

CC in rs2287780, no risk variants for Disorders of Intracellular Cobalamin Metabolism

TT in rs2303080, 0 risk alleles for disorders of Intracellular Cobalamin Metabolism

AG in rs1802059, 1 risk allele for disorders of Intracellular Cobalamin Metabolism

CBS Panel

CC in CBS's rs234714, lowest Plasma homocysteine levels (highest impact snp)

TT in CBS's rs234709, decreased homocysteine levels (small impact)

Predisposed to higher levels of Plasma homocysteine, CC in rs6586282

Predisposed to lower levels -0.02 µmol/L decrease of Plasma homocysteine, TT in rs2851391

homocystinuria Panel

We found

No risk variants found in file!

and a total of 0 risk variants for homocystinuria in CBS gene out of 26 variants identified in your file in total.

Elevated homocysteine levels 6.897 %

Intermediate homocysteine levels 41.379 %

Lower homocysteine levels 51.724 %.

Thyroid Cancer Panel

GG in rs1867277, slightly lower odds of thyroid cancer.

GG in rs965513, normal(lower thyroid cancer risk).

TT in rs944289, 1.69x increased thyroid cancer risk

CC in rs116909374, typical(lower) odds of thyroid cancer

CC in rs966423, Possible elevated thyroid cancer risk

Muscular Dystrophy Myopathies

0 risk variants in rs121913574

0 risk variants for Duchenne muscular dystrophy in rs1800278

0 risk variants in rs28937903

0 risk variants in rs28937904

0 risk variants in rs28928901

0 risk alleles in rs2296949

0 risk alleles in rs104894466

0 risk variants in rs28937900

0 risk variants in rs193922094

Found : 0 risk variants for adrenoleukodystrophy out of 30 Total

If you have risk variants here, it is most likely caused by miscalls in your raw data.

Since ADL is an X-linked condition, males can not be carriers. If you are male over the age of 20 and see risk variants here, it is due to miscalls. Otherwise you would be dead.

Colorblindness Panel

0 risk variants in OPN1LW out of 4

0 risk variants in OPN1MW out of 0

1 risk variants in OPN1SW out of 8

FTO Gene Panel

No risk variants for obesity in rs9930506, lower risk of obesity

Heterozygous in rs1421085, 1.3x higher risk of obesity

AG in rs9937053, slightly higher BMI

Homozygous for 'fat gene' variants in rs11642015, much higher risk of obesity. Likely European.

AG in rs1121980, slightly higher BMI. Slight increase (1.67x) in risk for obesity

AT , 1 'fat gene' variant in FTO's rs9939609. Higher odds of obesity and sleep apnea.

AG in rs9928094, slightly higher odds of extreme obesity

Within PFKP Gene - also implicated in Obesity

GG in rs6602024, lower BMI

Others also implicated in Obesity

AA in rs4994, typical genotype - lower odds of obesity.

CC in rs1799883, This genotype is not associated with increased sensitivity to saturated fats or refined carbohydrates.

TT in rs6232, lower risk of obesity and insulin sensitivity

Syncope Panel

A syncope, commonly known as fainting, is a temporary loss of consciousness and muscle tone caused by a brief reduction in blood flow to the brain. This sudden and temporary loss of consciousness typically results from a drop in blood pressure, leading to a momentary interruption of oxygen and nutrient supply to the brain. Syncope episodes are often brief, lasting only a few seconds to a couple of minutes, and individuals usually recover spontaneously once blood flow is restored. Various factors, such as dehydration, low blood sugar, or sudden changes in body position, can contribute to the occurrence of syncope.

AA in rs12465214 of ZNF804A, decreased odds of Syncope. Odds ratio of ~0.9, this is the lowest pval (most statistically significant) snp for syncope risk

AA in rs1431318, around 7% increase in the risk of syncope.

Used 6 snps in the following prediction

Syncope risk is 1.003 times the average

Bio Traits Panel

AA in MTR's rs1805087, decreased MTR activity and increased homocysteine levels (doesn't contribute to homocysteine panel score)

CC in rs174528, higher levels of choline, lower Omega-3 fatty acid levels, lower Docosahexaenoic acid levels

CC in rs174547, lower resting heart rate, lower omega-6 and omega-3 levels

ACE D/D genotype, increased ACE activity - healthier, reduced odds of hypertension and a range of other issues.

CC in rs1544410, Decreased risk of low bone mineral density disorders

GG in rs1051730, Smokes normal (lower) number of cigarettes if a smoker, reduced odds of lung cancer.

rs5443 (TT) are clearly at higher risk for hypertension, 2-3 fold more likely to be obese, rs5443(T;T) genotypes respond to Viagra better. rs5443(T;T) patients receiving clozapine over a long term for the treatment of schizophrenia gain significantly more weight (16%) compared to patients carrying at least one rs5443(C) allele in a study of Chinese patients. rs5443(T) carriers taking triptans for the treatment of migraines or cluster headaches were ~3 fold more likely to respond positively compared with rs5443(C;C) homozygotes (OR 2.96, CI:1.34 - 6.56, p=0.0074) in a study of ~200 Caucasian patients.

AA in CDH4's rs16985493, rare genotype associated with ~1.6x increased odds of migraine.

CT in rs11777116, uncommon genotype, significant increase in the odds of migraine - risk allele is T

TT in rs185819, ~30mm shorter

CT in rs1042725, intermediate height genotype, carrier of 'tall allele', ~0.4cm taller than TT genotype carriers

CC in rs6060369, ~0.88cm taller height relative to TT genotype

GG in rs10946808, carrier of two alleles for shorter stature. 0.72cm shorter than AA individuals.

CG in rs1800795, typical risk for T2D, insulin resistence, alzheimers, typical IL6 levels

AA in rs1380703, longer (typical) sleep duration

CC in rs2148710, lower predisposition to anger

Wet earwax. Normal (smellier) body odour. Normal colostrum. Typical for non-East Asians. CC in rs17822931

Two copies of "hunter-gatherer" CLTCL1 gene variant. Reduced ability to process carbs and sugars.

CC in rs307377, common in complete genomics - no extraordinary tasting ability

AA in rs662799, normal (Lower odds of heart attack and obesity)

CC in rs27072, 2x risk of severe alcohol withdrawal. Possible increased odds of ADHD

AA in rs4481887, most likely to smell asparagus metabolites in urine

AA in rs6591536, less able to detect β-ionone (floral) fragrance

GG in rs11800854, higher (typical) odds of periodontitis

AA in rs234706, 0.50 reduced risk of cleft lip / palate, 0.51 reduced risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Increased responsiveness to homocysteine-lowering effects of folic acid.

Age Related Macular Degeneration

GG in rs547154, no increased protection from Age-related maculopathy, most typical genotype.

CC in rs1061147, Reduced 0.34x risk of Age Related Macular Degeneration.

AG in rs11200638, ~2x increased risk of age related macular degeneration

GG in rs2230199, normal (reduced) risk for AMD

CC in rs380390, much higher odds of AMD

CG in rs3793917, ~1.8x the average odds for AMD

GG in rs800292, 2x increased odds of Age-related macular degeneration (MTAG)

Cataracts Panel

GG in rs62621812, typical genotype, lower (typical) risk for cataracts.

AA in rs4814857,typical genotype, lower (0.96x) risk for cataracts

CC in rs8044853, ~1.3x higher odds of cataracts

AA in rs1929494, 1.3x risk for cataracts

CC in rs926937, higher(typical) risk of cataract

Vitamins and Levels

GG in rs2282679 of GC gene, typically lower levels of Vitamin D.

AA in rs7041, ex-smokers at 2x higher risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ; supplement with Vitamin D - [1985.17-2233.51] nmol/L decrease of vit D levels

TT in rs12785878, lower levels of Vitamin D.

GG in rs10741657, tend to have lower vitamin D levels

TT in rs7129781, decreased odds of Vitamin D insufficiency

CT in rs6544713, slightly higher LDL cholesterol

GG in rs6756629, associated with increased LDL levels, decreased HDL cholesterol levels, and increased triglyceride levels.

CC in rs560887, slightly higher blood sugar

TT in rs10047474, increased blood pressure

GG in rs4961 (imputed through rs4963), lower blood pressure

AG in rs4895441, intermediate red blood cell count

TT in rs140522, higher red blood cell count

CC in rs1063739, protection of neurons against glutamate toxicity, increased (normal) rate of glutamate degradation

GG in rs602662, Lower vitamin B12 levels. 49.77 pg/ml decrease in B12 levels per G allele relative to AA genotype

CC in rs4654748, 1.45 ng/ml decrease in B6 levels

CC in rs33972313, typical (higher) levels of Vitamin C

Predisposed to lower levels of Vitamin A/Retinol, CC in rs780093

GG in rs11057830, lower(typical) levels of Vitamin E.

GG in rs6862909, typical genotype, higher - typical Vitamin K levels

CG in rs964184, higher levels of vitamin K.

DVT Panel

TT in rs11121615, decreased risk of varicose veins. Highest pval and beta snp for this trait

CC in rs6025, lower (normal) risk of deep vein thrombosis

AA in rs7654093, slightly lower odds of deep vein thrombosis

GG in rs1799963, lower risk of deep vein thrombosis

GG in rs113092656, lower risk of deep vein thrombosis

GG in rs7025486, lower odds of aneurysm and vascular disorders

Blood Group Panel

CC in rs9919007, likely blood type A or O. 0.74 accuracy

CC in rs635634, higher odds for all blood types besides A. 0.92 accuracy

CT in rs8176720 possibly blood type A or O. 0.77 accuracy

GG in rs7030248, Likely no Blood type B or AB. Accuracy 0.74

TG in rs493014, possibly blood type B or AB. Accuracy 0.75.

GG in rs687289, Likely not Blood type AB. Accuracy 0.91

GG in rs8176746, likely not blood type AB. Accuracy 0.75.

TT in rs505922, Likely blood type O. 0.8 accuracy

TT in rs529565, Likely blood type O. 0.98 accuracy

AT in rs8176740, slightly higher odds of B and O blood types

GG in rs1053878, 0 alleles for cis-AB blood type, cis-AB blood type less likely.

Blood Type Likelyhood Distribution

Type O: 92.277 %

Type A: 7.596 %

Type B: 0.127 %

Type AB: 0.000 %